Saturday, January 1, 2011


 I was sitting in the convention center, listening to Elder Ted Wilson speak to an 
expectant group of GYC attendees. 

While I resonated with what he was saying, something suddenly jumped out at me
 and struck a louder answering chord than the rest. First, it was just a
 word: "ideal". Then, it was the following statement (and I paraphrase): "God is 
waiting for you to become for His ideal."  I've heard and used 
the word "ideal" in many different ways: ideal situation, ideal job, ideal location,
 ideal weight, ideal spouse, ideal church, ideal etc. 

Looking up the word 'ideal', I found 12 different definitions. Most of them 
denoting perfection in some sphere, but the one I think best fit in with Elder Wilson's
 sermon said, "...a person or thing conceived as embodying such a conception or
 conforming to such a standard, and taken as a model for imitation." 

We think of finding ideals, but have we thought of becoming one? 
Becoming God's Ideal?  In an era where situations are fast spiraling out of control, 
are we striving for the perfection that God has offered us through His Son? 

You look at the world around you: famine, earth quake, disaster, disease. Look at 
your country: governmental strife, economic deterioration. Just walk down a 
city street: empty people filled with care who don't know Who holds their future.  

But then there is God, calling you and me to become His ideal! He is calling us 
to be that person who empties themselves and allows Christ to be embodied in 
their lives, He is calling us to conform to the standard of Christ and 
imitate Him

He is waiting.

How long will He wait? 

How long with He call before we respond to follow in the footsteps of Jesus,
 carry His message, and let the whole world know?

Jesus is waiting for His ideal - she is dressed like a bride waiting for her groom -
 she is His church.